Monday, April 25, 2011

Before another year zips by...

Well, my we have been busy, just a quick update, and some points I will expand on:
  • We developed 11 mobile games and 8 themes in one year, this explains why I didn't have the time to blog, it was well worth it though, we hit 6 million downloads!
  • The best gaming experience is still on a desktop, but that's not where the market is, and not the technology either (yet)
  • PC Desktops do have some serious value in terms of digital production, can I ever go back to a Macbook Pro / OSX if I make a living using Adobe / Nokia software?
  • Great ideas in the high-end phone market, might be forgotten once these capabilities become available to the rest of the market.
  • Recycling technology and using your domestic market (China/India) to enable is a winning strategy.
  • The first company to enable offline mobile ad-serving will get a lot of business (including ours)
  • The only thing Android has to worry about is Android.
  • Both Apple and Google will start having problems once they have a legacy of devices with different capabilities, which will eventually happen.
  • As Asia becomes richer, it will also become more creatively diverse and important in terms of shaping future design.
  • Flash Lite is still grossly underestimated and underutilized.
  • Will anyone remember Angry Birds, any mobile game in 5 years? What is the lifespan of a mobile game?
That's it for now!